Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Organic Weed Control as Garden Weed Control

organic weed controlYou don’t need to apply the chemical herbicides for weed control as these chemicals will contaminate the soil and kill beneficial organisms. There are lots of safe organic weed control methods that will keep your garden clean. Both cultural and direct weed control methods work very well to remove weeds.

Mechanical Weed Control includes mowing, tilling, hoeing to destroy the weed plants or disrupt their growth. Once weeds are actively growing, mechanical methods should be applied periodically. This method is best for annual weeds and is very effective when weeds are still small.

Biological Weed Control uses organisms that attack weeds. The insects may not destroy the target weed, but reduce its ability to compete with your crops. Biological weed control is very effective in sustaining the balance of competition between weeds and plants, but it was difficult as there are not much documented successes.

Cultural Weed Control is used to adjust the weed infestation and growth conditions, include water, nutrients and suitable soil, allowing the crop to be more competitive against various weeds. Crop rotation (frequently rotating the growth of different crop families on the same soil) is applied for managing weeds.

Mulching is probably the greatest way to control weeds. This process installs a surface layer to exclude the light, and hence restricts weeds from growing.

Organic mulching could improve the soil and add nutrients. The mulch simply keeps the soil underneath moist, and plays as an insulator to keep soil cooler during the summer and warmer during the earlier spring growth.

Mulch is actually made from common ingredients in reasonable cost. Straw, wood chips, lawn cutting, newspaper, wood bark, geo-textile fabric and much more are very good mulches.

A video clip from howdini.com about mulching.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Organic Gardening Pest Control – The Best Safe Pest Control

organic gardening pest controlChemical pesticide is scary because they contaminate soils devoid of organic material and beneficial microorganisms. Lack of these beneficial organisms will cause the plants to be weakening.

Why use the chemicals, since there are so many organic gardening pest control solutions out there that will solve the most common home and garden pest issues? It is much easier to apply a synthetic pesticide and just sit back and watch the insects die, but if you consider about the environment and our health, organic gardening is the best practice of life in these industrialized countries.

The organic gardener always knows that to fight the pest, organic gardening pest control methods are the only way to go.

Cultivation and Tilling
You could till your garden in the fall and in spring before planting. Weed can attract garden pests, so be sure to cultivate around your plants regularly so that the soil is as fine and possible.
Mulching (create a protective cover to place over the soil) is an important step for any garden because by doing this could add nutrition to the soil, helps combat weeds, and retains water. Newspaper, straw, wood bark, and geo-textile fabric are great mulches.

Select your seeds wisely
You can buy certified seed, pest-resistant and disease-resistant seeds. These seeds have resistance to the most common pests for particular vegetables.

Cover your vegetables
Get the finest mesh netting to guard your plants from insects, rodents, deer, and other animals.

Biological Control
Many insects that are not garden pests but predators that will attack other insects. Earthworm and microorganisms are lawn care experts that benefit to gardeners. Beneficial insects include ladybugs, dragonflies, nematodes, lacewings, wasps, hover flies, and many others. You can try to grow varieties that attract the right predator insects.
Besides predator insects, animals such as frogs, bats, chickens are friends of gardeners.

Companion Planting
Growing garlic, onions between plants and vegetables is a good trade secret. This plant could benefit other specific plants as they could discourage root pests.
Some plants could even benefit each other. Tomatoes are helped by marigolds, geraniums, petunias, carrots and basil. Beets are helped by catnip, mint and basil.

Organic Pesticides
The majority of organic sprays like insecticide soap spray, enzyme cleaners, onion spray, and garlic spray can be made with the common household items. These sprays are effective enough to kill the insects.

There are much more methods for Organic Gardening Pest Control!
organic pest control secretOrganic Pest Control Secrets provides a great solution to get rid of your garden pest without using any poisonous chemicals. This product includes an E-book & MP3 Audio that Shows Exactly How to Get Rid of Garden Pests Quickly, Easily & Safely.

Note: This product even includes a few bonuses about Organic Gardening and Organic Food!

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Dangers of Pesticides - Killing Ourselves to Kill Pests

safe pest control - dangers of pesticidesFor nearly five decades, the public and farmers have been told that chemical pesticides are important for the agriculture and to supply the world's population, but this is not true. The dangers of pesticides could spoil the ecosystem which had sustained the agriculture for over thousands of years, destroying beneficial soil microbes and eliminating insects and predators that help. In addition, pests constantly mutate to build their resistant to the pesticides.

Pesticide is harmful to your health as many of these synthetic poisons are specifically made to be broad-spectrum killers. The pest poison and their pollutant metabolites accumulate and persist in the animals and human body and adversely affect anatomical, behavioral, neurological and psychological development.

Pesticide label would not tell you about the dangers of pesticides. Before you use pesticide, you must know that:

  • Poisons do not stay as expected, they drift.

  • Chemical poisons do not differentiate what to kill. They kill all living things including humans.

  • Pest builds up a resistance, but human do not.

  • Some pesticide poisons are gathered in animal tissue, some are carcinogenic, but all are toxic.

  • Usually all poisons are neurotoxins contain xylene as an unregistered inert”

  • Many poisons contain contaminates or are changed into even deadlier poisons as they age or enter human bodies.
  • The combined effect or synergistic danger of any 2 different pesticide poisons could be 1000 times more hazardous.

Who is highly at risk?
Individuals with Heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, allergy, asthma, and emphysema are at greater risk when expose to air pollutants, including pesticide poisons. Those with more than one condition above face a higher risk.

Infant and children below 3 years old are vulnerable to the danger of pesticides. Some pesticides have the ability to cause chronic or permanent damage to the immature, developing nervous system. Types of fungicide, such as hexachlorobenzene, was proven to cause numbness, muscular weakness, and convulsions in children exposed instantly after birth.

Pesticide poison exposure to pregnant women generates great concern as these chemicals are designed to cause destruction to the nervous system of the unborn.